Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Learning to love Jesus is hard work!

We can sometimes get distracted when it comes to loving. It takes time and hard effort. You might think that love is supposed to be simple, but if you look around, you can see many people who loved eachother once upon a time but have given up because of the choices they made. The exciting rush of joy they felt at the begining has disappeared and the difficult task of loving their partner sets in. If they have no desire to learn about their partner's desires and needs and dont take the time for them that they both need, they end up falling away from one another, not closer! It cant be a one sided relationship either, both have to work at it! Love is patient, it is kind, it is not selfish or boastful. Jesus set the example for true love, he loves you but you cant let it be a onesided relationship with your savior! You have to study his likes and dislikes and passions! You have to learn
to love Him! It is a relationship, you can not give up. God bless

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mind vs. Heart

Mind: "Stop, you don't know what your doing!"

Heart: "But i must!"

Mind: "No! Can't you see all the possibilities of how it could go wrong?"

Heart: "I do not! I feel the hope of how it is supposed to be!" 

Mind: "Don't pull that feeling stuff on me! Don't you remember what happened and how it felt last time?"

Heart: "Of course, but this is what i was made for, I have to at least make a small effort to see which way it turns!" 

Mind: "If you get hurt, don't you come crawling back to me for comfort, i am not going to be apart of this drama!"   

Heart: " What? Who says it is always going to turn out badly? It Could..."

Mind: "The World! Thats Who! It Has nothing in common with you and wants to crush you to bits? Doesn't that scare you in the slightest?"
Heart: "...YES! In fact, that terrifies me!... But that is exactly what the world wants! IT wants to terrify! The world want's it to turn out badly or it doesn't want it to happen at all! But if i am trusting in God to take my fear and then to lead me, in order that i might find success! Then i might have a picture for another poor heart to hope toward!"

Mind: "... You pitiful heart... how do you cary so much? Why do you endure pain to try and gain something that might never be? How can you suffer, over and over and still have hope deep within?"  

Heart: "It is not by any of my own doings that I try again after i have failed? The Purpose that the Lord has for me pulls me up when i have been nocked down!"

Mind: " I wish I had a purpose like you! You make me feel like a pessimistic humbug!"

Heart: "You have a purpose as much as i do! Your supposed to argue and reason with me as we just were! You may think that your suggestions (or more like commands) are discarded and trampled on sometimes, but they influence the way our body act as well!" 

Mind: " Oh... so i should make a suggestion of how to go about this situation as carefully as possible, instead of  throwing the whole thing out the ear? "

Heart: "Yeah... it will work out better, i think, if you are thinking and i am feeling as one! That way we keep each other in check!"
Mind: "And keeping God always in our focus?" 

Heart: "Yes! God is our focus!" 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hobby update #1

Mistress Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells, and cockle shells,

And pretty maids all in a row. 

My garden is coming along! I just planted some Tomato plants and my tulips are finally peeping their heads from the ground! There is ONE sun flower and i am praying nothing chews it up! Everything else is growing beautifully and I keep seeing more and more buds on my chrysanthemums! Mom gave me about two pounds of sprouting potatoes to put into the earth! That shall be an excuse to be near my garden with out nothing to do! :D 

Genesis 2:15
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Child of the Most High

Lord, the I Am, Creator of heaven and of earth, deserving of all praise and honor.

His daughter: She is beautiful; she is radiant; she knows when to speak.
 Her words are healing; her lips sing of her redeemer; her eyes seek His face and hold compassion for those around her. 
Her actions are kind; her thoughts are pure. She has taught her hands to be always diligent.Her work is praised by the leaders of the city.  She delights herself in the presence of the Lord. She shines like the morning sun when he is on her heart. 

Praise Him.
Praise Him, all children.

...Live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way...
Colossians 1:10
Ephesians 4:1 
Philipians 1:27

Praise him,
You are a child of the most High God .

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pulled to Safety

Every one is selfish.
                    Each human being's world revolves around their own person. 
                Each is a ruler in his own mind. 
                    Is it possible to be King over the King. 
              We are a fallen people. 
     Living only for ourselves. 
We will never escape in this world. 
       Immaturity has us captive. 
             We are set in a pattern.
                   The weight pulls me to the bottom.
                           The hole is too deep now.
                                The raging river has swelled.
                                                 I am caught in the current.
i feel...
there is no rescue

            "For where you have envy and selfish ambition there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven  is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere."
James 3:16, 17

                     There is another way to live.
      Jesus came that we might live life to the fullest. 
                 He brought mercy,
                        though we have sinned.
                He has forgiven,
                      though we have spat in his face.

Each of us want to stand out.
   Why blend in with the world?
      Save me.
          I am yours.
            Save me. 
               Stop flailing...

I feel...
My rescuer has come.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

?When I Finally Make it Home... I am going to be able to sing to my God and see his emotions...! I am going to wrap my arms around my daddies neck and tell him i've missed him! I am going to be in such awe that all words will fall from my lips!... I serve such an awesome King! And he is my friend too :D 

The Lord, that is His name... the compassionate and gracious God, Slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their  children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation. Exodus 34:5-7

His is the truest love, with out it, you can not love. He loved me so much he sent His only son, taken out of heaven, and placed him on this earth, to live, and to die. But not even death could hold him and so He rose up from the earth and to this day, Jesus lives in heaven preparing a place for anyone who will except Him!
God's will be done on this earth, because that is the best way!

?When i finally make it home... Im gonna ride on a rain drop from heaven to the earth! ;D

Moving with the Spirit!

The last month has been full of weird time patterns for me! At first i was really frustrated and thinking "I am loosing so much sleep." Now I am learning more each day that, instead of waking at 4 in the morning and just laying there, I need to seek out Jesus and let His Spirit lead and teach me! When I finally started moving with His Spirit and not against Him, that is when I experienced peace!
 1st Peter 3:21