Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mind vs. Heart

Mind: "Stop, you don't know what your doing!"

Heart: "But i must!"

Mind: "No! Can't you see all the possibilities of how it could go wrong?"

Heart: "I do not! I feel the hope of how it is supposed to be!" 

Mind: "Don't pull that feeling stuff on me! Don't you remember what happened and how it felt last time?"

Heart: "Of course, but this is what i was made for, I have to at least make a small effort to see which way it turns!" 

Mind: "If you get hurt, don't you come crawling back to me for comfort, i am not going to be apart of this drama!"   

Heart: " What? Who says it is always going to turn out badly? It Could..."

Mind: "The World! Thats Who! It Has nothing in common with you and wants to crush you to bits? Doesn't that scare you in the slightest?"
Heart: "...YES! In fact, that terrifies me!... But that is exactly what the world wants! IT wants to terrify! The world want's it to turn out badly or it doesn't want it to happen at all! But if i am trusting in God to take my fear and then to lead me, in order that i might find success! Then i might have a picture for another poor heart to hope toward!"

Mind: "... You pitiful heart... how do you cary so much? Why do you endure pain to try and gain something that might never be? How can you suffer, over and over and still have hope deep within?"  

Heart: "It is not by any of my own doings that I try again after i have failed? The Purpose that the Lord has for me pulls me up when i have been nocked down!"

Mind: " I wish I had a purpose like you! You make me feel like a pessimistic humbug!"

Heart: "You have a purpose as much as i do! Your supposed to argue and reason with me as we just were! You may think that your suggestions (or more like commands) are discarded and trampled on sometimes, but they influence the way our body act as well!" 

Mind: " Oh... so i should make a suggestion of how to go about this situation as carefully as possible, instead of  throwing the whole thing out the ear? "

Heart: "Yeah... it will work out better, i think, if you are thinking and i am feeling as one! That way we keep each other in check!"
Mind: "And keeping God always in our focus?" 

Heart: "Yes! God is our focus!" 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hobby update #1

Mistress Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells, and cockle shells,

And pretty maids all in a row. 

My garden is coming along! I just planted some Tomato plants and my tulips are finally peeping their heads from the ground! There is ONE sun flower and i am praying nothing chews it up! Everything else is growing beautifully and I keep seeing more and more buds on my chrysanthemums! Mom gave me about two pounds of sprouting potatoes to put into the earth! That shall be an excuse to be near my garden with out nothing to do! :D 

Genesis 2:15
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.