Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Talk about posting later!

Haha You can tell by just looking at my blog that i forgot about it! :P hehe OH well! I should set a reminder on my phone to post a blog, at least every week! So basically what has been happenin is school! and work!... and i probably shouldn't leave out play! :D I went with Anna Rapp and Jessie to the store last night and we went grocery shopping! Then i took Anna home with me and we made carmel to go over apples!! Yumm!!! it was pretty much fun! Then we watched the that tv show on the Dugger family! That family that has 17 children and one on the way! My question is, Why? Why is that show so addicting??? beets me!!!?! 
any whoo! Today i am... well supposed to be doing home work :P I guess i will get on that as soon as I'm finished here :D And i have this blank wall behind me so i took a few pictures hehe silly me! 
This Coming Monday Should be fun to! It is the day of Charlotte Carlsons election unit Election!!! haha basicly every election year we do a small election in Her  class and it has been four years from the last one! So here it is!!! yea! its going to be so much FUN!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! So i will go now toa doa home work! Good night, God BlESS, Good Bye! 

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